If you’ve chosen to try out our APIs with the Sample Plan, you’re only seeing a small fraction of the data that TV Media provides. We offer this plan so you can poke around and see what could be made available to you on paid plans.
Restricted Lineups
The first thing you should know is that you’re restricted to generic lineups that we’ve created. Developers on paid plans have access to these lineups as well. These lineups include the top 200 TV stations available in Canada and United States. You can find a list of these lineups and lineupIDs in our documentation.
Listings and Highlights
The only listing operations you are able to access is highlights. Highlights are TV listings that have been picked as best bets for the day. These listings are a combination of new shows, popular shows that are returning or ending, special guests and so on.
Amount of Data Available
Each plan has a limit on the amount of data that can be accessed. For example, the Sample Plan can access up to 24 hours of advanced listings information and the Standard Plan can access up to 14 days. Calls that are made without an end date specified will default to only 4 hours. To get the most data available to you, include an end time in your API calls.
50 Calls
The sample plan includes 50 calls per month and doesn’t allow for additional calls. It can be easy to go through these calls in a single day, so it will be important to make sure you are making efficient calls. For example, since you know that you’re restricted to TV Media lineups, try making a call to get the TV highlights for a generic lineupID with an end date further in the future so you’re making the most out of your call.
Reach out to us either in the comments or by email with any questions you might have. Ready to move beyond the Sample Plan? Contact us for information about our other plans.